PGSS Cogna

Stricto Sensu

Master's Course in

Teaching Science and Mathematics

Campo Grande – MS state


The Academic Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching was approved at the 179th Meeting of the Technical-Scientific Council of Higher Education – CTC-ES/CAPES. The course provides scientific and technological training to professionals who work in the training of educators and in teaching situations inside and outside the school, as well as in the generation of products that contribute to quality teaching and learning.

Objectives of the Program

  • To discuss and investigate the scientific and technological training in the training of professionals, as well as their performance in teaching and learning in the areas of Sciences and Mathematics, with emphasis on scientific education;
  • To contribute with investigations of pedagogical practices, production and use of various didactic materials (texts, equipment, experiments, games, videos and software);
  • To train researchers professors who use in a critical, creative and innovative way the digital information and communication technologies (TDIC); and
  • To discuss and investigate the educational policies related to the Teaching of Sciences and Mathematics and the training of teachers for these areas.

Target Audience

Holders may apply of university degrees in undergraduate and bachelor degrees with training and/or work in the area of Teaching/Education.

Concentration Areas

Subjects Master:

  • Teaching, culture and technology;
  • Topics in History of Science and Mathematics;
  • Research Approaches in Teaching;
  • Dissertation Seminars
  • Multimedia Production for Nature Sciences;
  • Public Policies for the use of Technology in Teaching;
  • Languages and Scientific Literacy;
  • Citizenship and Public Understanding of Science: Scientific Dissemination in the Digital Age;
  • Theories of Learning;
  • Theories of Knowledge;
  • Teacher Training and professional development;
  • Teacher Training and pedagogical practices;
  • Curricular  Development;
  • Educational Evaluation: functions, instruments and planning;
  • Strategies for EAD Education and Hybrid Education;
  • Trends in Mathematics Education;
  • Inclusive Education and its technologies;
  • Trends in Science Education;
  • Epistemology and Didactics of Mathematical Contents of Basic Education;
  • Interfaces of Mathematics with other areas of knowledge;
  • Literacy and the Transition to Higher Education;
  • Education, society and diversity;
  • Environmental Education and Teaching;
  • History of Mathematics Education in Brazil

Support and Promoting Agency



Professor PhD Anderson Teixeira Rolim

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Professor PhD Antonio Sales

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Professor PhD Diego Fogaça Carvalho

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Professor PhD Erlinda Martins Batista

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Professor PhD Hallynnee Hellenn Pires Rossetto

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Professor PhD José Luiz Magalhães de Freitas

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Professor PhD Kátia Alexandra de Godoi e Silva

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Professor PhD Luciana Paes de Andrade

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Professor PhD Rosiane de Morais

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Professor PhD Tania Gisela Biberg Salum

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Professor PhD Susana Nogueira Diniz

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Professor PhD Cesar Pietropaolo

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Professor PhD Fátima Aparecida da Silva Dias

Coordinator of the Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching

Academic Secretariat


We are pleased to launch this Portal, with the goal of maintaining a continuous bond with our alumni, learning about their successes and difficulties, and following the professionals we have trained, understanding their social and professional effectiveness. Through this contact, we can enhance the relationship between the University and its Alumni.
The success in the job market and in the personal lives of our graduates is also our success! Extending our relationships beyond the time of professional training is essential for the success and improvement of our Program and also of our graduates. Among our objectives, the professional insertion and the performance of the graduate in society are paramount issues.
Stricto Sensu Graduate Studies is a dynamic reality, which imposes new challenges on us to meet the needs of a constantly effervescent society. We count on your participation to carry out this task.
Thank you very much!

Meet the graduates of the Teaching Science and Mathematics. Use the filter field for a specific search.

MestradoAdriana de Jesus GabilãoJosé Luis Magalhães de Freitas
MestradoCrys Michelly de Oliveira DutraLuciana Paes de Andrade
MestradoFeyth Jaques de OliveiraErlinda Martins Batista
MestradoJoão Matheus Albertoni MacedoLuciana Paes de Andrade
MestradoJoão Paulo Espindola DominguesLuciana Paes De Andrade25/08/2022
MestradoLeticia Texeira DiasLeda Marcia Araujo Bento
MestradoLuis Mauro Neder MeneghelliAntonio Sales
MestradoOswaldo da Silva Lopes JúniorKátia Guerchi Gonzales24/04/2023
MestradoRenata Forti BragaAnelisa K. Esteves
MestradoRosilene Canavarros MonteiroTania Gisela Biberg-Salum
MestradoAdolmira da Cunha Pereira de OliveiraKatia Alexandra De Godoi E Silva24/10/2022
MestradoAndressa Elvira Matias CoelhoJose Luiz Magalhaes De Freitas
MestradoAndressa Farias FerreiraAntonio Sales30/11/2022Sem lattes
MestradoEmerson Melo de SouzaJosé Luiz Magalhães de Freitas24/10/2022Sem lattes
MestradoEva Maria de OliveiraErlinda Martins Batista
MestradoFabio Borges Ricci de CamargoDiego Fogaça Carvalho08/02/2023Sem lattes
MestradoJose Matheus Pinheiro da Fonseca da Silva
MestradoKarine Bezerra VianaLuciana Paes De Andrade14/03/2023
MestradoAlan Otavio da Costa NantesErlinda Martins Batista
MestradoDonizeth Jacinto de SouzaAntonio Sales08/02/2023
MestradoElizania Regina MacielTania Gisela Biberg Salum08/02/2023
MestradoGeorgina Jansen MendesJose Luiz Magalhaes De Freitas14/03/2023
MestradoMarisa da Silva AraújoKatia Guerchi Gonzales
MestradoAdriana Oliveira da SilvaLuciana Paes De Andrade
MestradoDanielle Roland Amaral Munhoz de OliveiraErlinda Martins Batista01/08/2023
MestradoEder Carlos AmadorKátia Alexandra Godoi e Silva26/04/2023
MestradoElaine Maria Aparecida da SilvaJosé Luiz Magalhães de Freitas
MestradoGenerosa Ferreira Ramos Leal AganettiJosé Luiz Magalhães de Freitas
MestradoGustavo Nunes Galvão dos SantosErlinda Martins Batista30/05/2023
MestradoJamisson da Silva AngeloDiego Fogaça Carvalho26/04/2023
MestradoKassiana Maria Galli Cardoso BrizolaLuciana Paes de Andrade26/04/2023
MestradoLuciana Vaz AmadorJosé Luiz Magalhães de Freitas01/08/2023
MestradoLuciene Lovatti Almeida Hemerly EliasTania Gisela Biberg-Salum01/08/2023
MestradoMurillo Aurélio de Moura AraujoAntonio Sales26/04/2023
MestradoNatalia CalimanKatia Alexandra De Godoi E Silva
MestradoAugusto Borges de Souza JúniorKatia Alexandra De Godoi E Silva--
MestradoFabiano Teixeira CarvalhoErlinda Martins Batista--
MestradoRenato Vieira de AquinoAntonio Sales
MestradoFrancisco Allex de Oliveira LimaDiego Fogaça Carvalho
MestradoJosé Ricardo Camilo FerreiraAntonio Sales
MestradoRosemeire da Silva Rio de OliveiraAntonio Sales
MestradoEva de Oliveira Silva LimaAntonio Sales
MestradoNoemia Franco Ajala AlvesSusana Nogueira Diniz-

SECRETARIA ACADÊMICA (Mestrado e Doutorado)


Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - CEP

Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais – CEUA

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