Stricto sensu

MSc in


Cuiabá – MT state


The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Teaching in a Wide Association between the University of Cuiabá-UNIC and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the State of Mato Grosso- IFMT, aims to an interdisciplinary work that combines the various areas of knowledge, in order to meet this specific demand and respond to the expectations of candidates from the various areas of training (bachelor’s, bachelor’s, and technologists) with interest in investigating teaching in their respective areas of knowledge.

Target Audience

The Academic Master in Teaching focuses on the Degrees, Bachelors and Technologists with the objective of education professors  and researchers in a perspective oriented to the analysis of educational problems and implementation of proposals aimed at the quality of teaching, through the problematization and analysis of issues related to pedagogical practice, the educational technologies and the knowledge involved in the educational process.

Concentration Areas

Teaching, Curriculum, and Teaching Knowledge

The area will develop studies concerning the relations between teaching, curriculum and teaching knowledge that are built from the daily experiences that reflect in the way professors teach and guide pedagogical practices.

Research lines:
  • Line 1 – Teaching-learning Languages

This Research Line aims to cover projects that deal with the constructions of knowledge from the very performance of the subjects in social practices, focusing on language
mediations, in the production of meaning and social attachment, in contemporaneity. Teacher training for didactic-pedagogical practices aimed at teaching languages and their codes. In this perspective, the aspects of transmission, reception and cognitive processes that tangle the field of language will be specially studied, in the reinvention of the processes of construction of the rituals of social attachment and autopoiesis.

  • Line 2 – Theoretical and Methodological Foundations and curricular approaches to teacher training and School Education

It aims to develop studies in the theoretical-methodological perspective based on the educational assumptions linked to teaching and learning, also proposing to investigate the curricula and respective practices. The studies developed in this line also include ways of elaboration and application of educational proposals involving formal and/or non-formal spaces. The emphasis is on directing strategic actions to improve teaching action at different levels and modalities of teaching.

  • Line 3 – Teaching and learning Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The research line is characterized by studies and research on the teaching of Sciences and Mathematics highlighting the epistemological, didactic and historical-cultural points of view. It investigates the history of the teaching of Sciences and Mathematics; the foundations of the process of construction of the students or teachers’ school knowledge in the teaching and learning in Sciences and Mathematics; the curriculum, its curricular components and the forms of evaluation in the teaching of Sciences and Mathematics; the initial and continuing education of teachers for the teaching of Sciences and Mathematics and their interrelations with Basic Education; the teaching and learning processes, in the scope of formal and non-formal education, at different levels of education; study and proposition of teaching and learning strategies in Sciences and Mathematics; the relations between science, technology, society and environment and their implications for the teaching of Sciences and Mathematics.

Subjects Master

  • Epistemology: Theories of Knowledge (3 credits)
  • Research Approaches in Teaching (3 credits)
  • Research Seminar I (3 credits)
  • Research Seminar II (3 credits)
  • Scheduled Activities (10 credits)
    Teaching Internship – (scholarship holder)

Research Line 1 – Teaching-learning Languages

  • Research Trends and Approaches in Languages ​​(3 credits)
  • Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Teaching Languages ​​(3 credits)


Research Line 2 – Theoretical- methodological Foundations and curricular approaches to teacher training and School Education

  • Educational Trends, curricular approaches and teaching and learning processes (3 credits)

  • Teacher training: theoretical aspects and research approaches (3 credits)

Research Line 3 – Teaching and learning Mathematics, and Natural Sciences

  • Research Trends and Approaches in Science and Mathematics (3 credits)

  • Epistemological and Theoretical-Methodological Foundations for Teaching Science and Mathematics (3 credits)

  • Curricular Adaptations – Inclusive Knowledge and Practices (3 credits)
  • Science, Technology, Society and Environment (3 credits) School Culture and Teaching Knowledge (3 credits)
  • Popular Culture and Language Teaching (3 credits)
  • Curriculum, Planning and Assessment of Teaching and Learning Processes (3 credits)
  • Environmental Education and Teaching (3 credits)
  • Mathematics Education: The Basic Education Curriculum and the Teaching and Learning Processes (3 credits)
  • Distance Learning (3 credits)
  • Teaching Reading and Text Production (3 credits)
  • Teaching in Natural Sciences (3 credits)
  • Teaching, Society and Diversities (3 credits)
  • School, Memory and Narratives (3 credits)
  • Strategies for Teaching
  • Chemistry and the Environment (3 credits)
  • Didactic Training and Teaching Work (3 credits)
  • Identities and Representations in Different Languages ​​(3 credits)
  • Language and Education (3 credits)
  • Historical Perspectives on Mathematics Teaching in Brazil (3 credits)
  • Contemporary Poetics and Aesthetics Applied to Teaching (3 credits)
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Applied to Language Teaching (3 credits)
  • 1-Teaching Reading and Text Production (3 credits)
  • 1-Popular Culture and Language Teaching (3 credits)
  • 1- Multimodality and Multiliteracies applied to teaching (3 credits)
  • 1-Language and Education (3credits)
  • 1-Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Applied to Language Teaching (3credits)
  • 1-Identities and Representations in Different Languages ​​(3 credits)
  • 2-Teaching, Society and Diversities (3 credits) 2-Didactic Training and Teaching Work (3credits)
  • 2-Curriculum, Planning and Assessment of Teaching and Learning Processes (3 credits)
  • 2-32-Distance Learning (3credits)
  • 2-Curriculum Adaptations – Inclusive Knowledge and Practices (3 credits)
  • 2-School, Memory and Narratives (3 credits)
  • 3-School Culture and Teaching Knowledge (3 credits)
  • 3-Teaching in Natural Sciences (3 credits) 3-Science, Technology, Society and Environment (3credits)
  • 3-Environmental Education and Teaching (3credits)
  • 3-Historical Perspectives on Mathematics Teaching in Brazil (3 credits)
  • 3-Mathematics Education: The Basic Education Curriculum and the Teaching and Learning Processes (3 credits)

Course Teachers


Professor PhD Ana Graciela Mendes Fernandes da Fonseca Voltolini

Line Research 1


Professor PhD Cilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel

Line Research 2


Professor PhD Claudia Lucia Landgraf Pereira Valerio da Silva

Line Research 1


Professor PhD Edenar Souza Monteiro

Line Research 2


Professor PhD Rosemar Eurico Coenga

Line Research 1


Professor PhD Laura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida

Line Research 3


Professor PhD Marta Maria Darsie

Line Research 3


Professor PhD Bartolomeu José Ribeiro de Souza


Professor PhD Bernadete Lema Mazzafera



Professor PhD Ana Cláudia Tasinaffo Alves


Professor PhD Edione Teixeira de Carvalho

Line Research 2


Professor PhD Epaminondas de Matos Magalhães

Line Research 1


Professor PhD eison Jader Mello

Line Research 3


Professor PhD Leandro Carbo

Line Research 3


Professor PhD Marcelo Franco Leão


Professor PhD Marcos Aparecido Pereira


Professor PhD Ronaldo Eustáquio Feitoza Senra

Line Research 3


Professor PhD Thiago Beirigo Lopes


Professor PhD Ronaldo Eustáquio Feitoza Senra

Line Research 3


Professor PhD Maria Auxiliadora de Almeida Arruda



Professor PhD Lívia Ribeiro Bertges



Professor PhD Sérgio Gomes da Silva



Professor PhD Suammy Priscila Rodrigues Leite Cordeiro




Professor PhD Ana Graciela Mendes Fernandes da Fonseca Voltolini

Coordinator of the Master in Teaching – UNIC

Professor PhD Marcelo Franco Leão

Coordinator of the Master in Teaching – IFMT

Phone: (67) 3616-4100

Academic Secretariat



We are pleased to launch this Portal, with the goal of maintaining a continuous bond with our alumni, learning about their successes and difficulties, and following the professionals we have trained, understanding their social and professional effectiveness. Through this contact, we can enhance the relationship between the University and its Alumni.
The success in the job market and in the personal lives of our graduates is also our success! Extending our relationships beyond the time of professional training is essential for the success and improvement of our Program and also of our graduates. Among our objectives, the professional insertion and the performance of the graduate in society are paramount issues.
Stricto Sensu Graduate Studies is a dynamic reality, which imposes new challenges on us to meet the needs of a constantly effervescent society. We count on your participation to carry out this task.
Thank you very much!

Meet the graduates of the Teaching. Use the filter field for a specific search.

MestradoAna Paula da Silva GonçalvesLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida-
MestradoAntonio Marcos da RosaEdenar Souza Monteiro-
MestradoBenivaldo Aparecido de AlmeidaCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel-
MestradoCássio Moreira RodriguesCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel-
MestradoLaura Emanuele da Cruz MirandaLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida-
MestradoMaria Aparecida Pereira de OliveiraLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida-
MestradoRosania Maura Martins E SilvaEdenar Souza Monteiro-
MestradoJeisa Fernandes MarcondesCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel08/02/2023
MestradoFabyane Akemi Nagazawa TeixeiraEdenar Souza Monteiro08/02/2023
MestradoNinna Sanches Vicente da CostaRosemar Eurico Coenga26/07/2022
MestradoCláudia Marcele de Campos SantosLucy Ferreira Azevedo25/08/2022
MestradoRute Fernandes de OliveiraEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoAlessandra Cristina Rios CorreiaEdenar Souza Monteiro26/09/2022
MestradoGláucia Cristiane Cardoso SantosLaura Isabel M. V. de Almeida08/02/2023
MestradoRoberta da Silva de Stefani HuffelEdenar Souza Monteiro24/10/2022
MestradoGláucia RibeiroRosemar Eurico Coenga25/08/2022
MestradoCreuzinete Miranda FariasCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel24/10/2022
MestradoCreverson Luam de OliveiraCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel26/07/2022
MestradoIsabella Maria Curvo Bezerra Santiago SilvaLaura Isabel M. V. de Almeida08/02/2023
MestradoLiliane Santi dos SantosLaura Isabel M. V. de Almeida08/02/2023
MestradoDanielle Augusta Amorim Pereira LeiteEdenar Souza Monteiro08/02/2023
MestradoTânia Alves Correa SouzaLaura Isabel M. V. de Almeida08/02/2023
MestradoLiz Cristina BusattoEdenar Souza Monteiro11/04/2022
MestradoAntonia Eneide de Lima SilvaLucy Ferreira Azevedo08/02/2023
MestradoAlessandra DallagnolCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel08/02/2023
MestradoDaniele Vilela ItacarambyCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel14/03/2023
MestradoCecilia Batista Duarte CamposLaura Isabel M. V. de Almeida26/07/2022
MestradoSimone Ribeiro MatosBernadete Lema Mazzafera08/02/2023
MestradoMaria Helena da SilvaLaura Isabel M. V. de Almeida26/07/2022Sem lattes
MestradoÉlida Fernandes da Silva GomesEdenar Souza Monteiro08/02/2023Sem lattes
MestradoMarinalva de Barros Neves AraujoCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel08/02/2023Sem lattes
MestradoSidnayra Antonia Gadelha da CruzAna Graciela Fonseca Voltolini08/02/2023Sem lattes
MestradoCláudia Inês DahmerCleonice Terezinha Fernandes09/04/2021
MestradoNadia Louise Dias de Sousa FreitasDegmar Francisco dos Anjos28/05/2021
MestradoLuma Kathyn Silva PolicarpoLucy Ferreira Azevedo11/04/2022
MestradoElisangela Alves Sobrinho ArbexAna Graciela Mendes Fernandes da Fonseca Voltolini26/07/2022
MestradoYara Reis CardosoRosemar Eurico Coenga25/08/2022
MestradoCíntia Gomes da SilvaLucy Ferreira Azevedo08/02/2023
MestradoIvone Diná Ribeiro Lemes De AlmeidaLucy Ferreira Azevedo14/03/2023
MestradoClaudia Alexandra de Albuquerque Menezes BarrosRosemar Eurico Coenga26/04/2023
MestradoEnis da Motta Ferreira da SilvaRosemar Eurico Coenga26/04/2023
MestradoLeila da Silva Pimenta DombroskiEliza Adriana Sheuer Nantes26/04/2023
MestradoLuiz Oliveira MeloRosemar Eurico Coenga26/04/2023
MestradoMaeli Fernandes MotaRosemar Eurico Coenga26/04/2023
MestradoPatrícia Joaquim Morais CostaLucy Ferreira Azevedo08/02/2023 - 2ª via 30/05/2023
MestradoAdriano Afonso de Almeida CarvalhoEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoAntonia Lucia de Queiroz TenórioRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoAntonio GomesCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoEliane da Silva DenizLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoGislei Amorim de Souza RondonCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoJair Donato LimaCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoJosé Henrique Monteiro da FonsecaDegmar Francisco dos Anjos
MestradoLuiz Claudio BassamMaria das Graças Campos
MestradoMaristene Amaral MatosJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoMarta Maria GamaLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoAmanda Laura Siqueira AltEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoAustrogildo Hardmam JuniorCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoAyrton Agostinho de Jesus FilhoCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoEd Wilson Rodrigues Silva JuniorJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoEnerci Candido GomesMaria das Graças Campos
MestradoHéliton Jânio Gomes RosaCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoJessika Karoliny Ostelony da SilvaDegmar Francisco dos Anjos
MestradoJosenil Araujo dos SantosLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoMariana Gomes OliveiraLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoRosangela Queiroz Garcia Leite NogueiraRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoAnderson Augusto RibeiroCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoAndré Galvan da SilveiraJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoDilson Cesar Leal RibeiroRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoGregório Vittori FrigeriEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoJefferson Carvalho NevesCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoJosélia de Souza Soares FerreiraLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoJuliana StascovianLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoLuiz Carlos Torquato da SilvaCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoMarcelo de RezendeLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoMaria Geni Pereira BilioMaria das Graças Campos
MestradoNair Mendes de OliveiraMaria das Graças Campos
MestradoRafael de AlmeidaEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoRaquel Neves Pereira de QueirozRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoRicardo de Jesus MacielCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoRoberta Favalessa DoniniLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoAdir Rosa da SilvaLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoAlexandre Carneiro LeãoCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoCarla Adriana de QueirozLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoCarla Cristina El Hage SerafimCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoCarolina Galvão PeresJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoDaisy Mirian Antonello VitalinoDegmar Francisco dos Anjos
MestradoElisiane Medianeira Moro TolioCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoErika Silva Alencar MeirellesRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoFabiana Flavia de Magalhães NascimentoEdenar de Souza Monteiro
MestradoFlávio Marcelo Bueno de CastroEdenar de Souza Monteiro
MestradoIvonete Gomes de Souza VenturaLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoJanaina Giovana da SilvaCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoJhonatan Thiago Beniquio PerottoLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoKenia Paula de Almeida Moraes dos AnjosJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoLéia Laura de Souza MendesEdenar de Souza Monteiro
MestradoLissandra Esnarriaga de FreitasLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoLoraci Verdi LambRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoLucinete Ornagui de Oliveira NakamuraJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoLuiz Eduardo BrescovitLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoPaula Viviana Queiroz DantasJosé Serafim Bertoloto
MestradoRegina Lúcia Borges AraújoCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoRosangela ZimmerLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoRosilene Maria TessariCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoTeresinha de Jesus Pereira Lima NalinRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoThiago BaldrighiDegmar Francisco dos Anjos
MestradoCarolina Tenuta PortelaLucy Ferreira Azevedo
MestradoDayane ArtuziAna Graciela Fonseca Voltolini
MestradoElizaine Vaz SantosLaura Isabel Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoEllen De Lourdes Pelliciari FanfoniAna Graciela Fonseca Voltolini
MestradoLucia Maciel CoutoEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoMarcela Curado Moraes de AlmeidaEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoMaria dos Santos GuimarãesCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoMaria Sinforosa Martin da SilvaCleonice Terezinha Fernandes
MestradoSamya Karla Lopes de OliveiraCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoSuely Bastos da FonsecaCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel
MestradoAndreia Mineto de PaulaRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoElizabeth Keli BrilhadoriAna Graciela Mendes Fernandes Da Fonseca Voltolini
MestradoFrancisco de Assis da Silva ValenteLaura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida
MestradoHilma de Oliveira PessoaAna Graciela Mendes Fernandes Da Fonseca Voltolini
MestradoLaura Cecília de Toledo BarrosEliza Adriana Sheuer Nantes
MestradoLuciana Camargo de CarvalhoAna Graciela Mendes Fernandes Da Fonseca Voltolini
MestradoNoemi Fonseca Negrão AlvesEdenar Souza Monteiro
MestradoRejane Sandra Dantas de OliveiraRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoSara Vitalino de SouzaRosemar Eurico Coenga
MestradoTaislayne Alves da Silva BazzanoAna Graciela Mendes Fernandes Da Fonseca Voltolini
MestradoThais Rodrigues MartinsCilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel

SECRETARIA ACADÊMICA (Mestrado e Doutorado)


Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - CEP

Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais – CEUA

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